Project: A real life board game.

A library with secret doors

Like in any video games, you can access some hidden treasures.

By leveling up yourself - you will access new sections of the program.

Time matters - This library is permanent

The permanent gamification of the software - with equal levels for all - ensures that the quality of the library content is always improving over time.

The most persistent users will become the library Elders - and hold the power to make new book suggestions while others may review the community guidelines.

A merit based automated architecture

Using this software - you will become a contributor to the library - where each of your actions are put in a big action pool - and used to re-generate a new version every year.

A forever evolving content with an equal opportunity across time.

By leveling up with DataPond - you may gain access to new content - and will help contribute to a better world.

Help the DataPond team

Contribute and get rewarded with special access!.

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