Personal Books

Do you own a private collection of digitized books ?

We want to build the next generation of personal book management software - and we would like to make it available for free to use for everyone.

Import and personalization

Importing your personal folders, and allowing you to re-order and re-organize your collections, free for all - forever.

This - alongside the Library Upgrade project - will give you the best community funded digitized book library.

Help the DataPond team

Contribute and get rewarded with special access!.

The DataPond eco-system.

Decentralisation: The personal book management will become part of the DataPond ecosystem - and therefor - share its design, keeping its promise of privacy with no requirements for an account.

Personal library cloud backup

DataPond cannot allow anyone to use its technology to anonymously upload any type of content in the permanent web.

We, however can integrate DataPOnd with popular cloud solutions, such as:

  • Google Drive
  • Microsoft Drive
  • AWS
  • FileCoin

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